On this rollercoaster ride of life, emotions and passions are constantly being forced to the surface, where they flutter and dance about like a butterfly crossing water.  Thier story was no different.  It was a story of two rollercoasters coliding, a story of two butterflies without a place to land.  They were just trying to make sencse of their journey before the love, the passion, -- the twists and turns of the ride tore them apart. 
4/28/2010 12:24:20 am

I do love this picture also. If you truly do this site for the full year, you are going to be one busy boy taking picture.


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    Bradyn Nordfelt

    So here is the deal.  About a year ago I became a member of flikr.  While I was browsing around one day I came across a group of people who take a picture everyday for one year called 365. I instantly fell in love with the idea.  A month or two later, I became aware of a man named Jonathan Harris and his website, www.number27.org
    Veiwing his work has greatly inspired me and this project as a whole.  On his website, he does a picture a day as well, but he also includes a short write up.  Well, I decided I wanted to do something similar. Now I know bloggers often have this false belief that they have something to say and that eveyone is interested, but I know that no one realy cares about this blog.  This is more for me than it is for you. But I still hope you like it.


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